세계 최초로 인공지능 (artificial intelligence)  기술을 도입하여 만든 ‘인공지능’ 위스키. 
마이크로소프트의 인공지능팀과 맥미라가 손잡고 다년간의 실험과 시행착오 끝에 탄생시킨 최상의 위스키 레시피. 
위스키를 만드는 여러가지 성분, 곡물, 물, 효모, 캐스크의 다양한 조합, 그리고 여러가지 판매 및 소비자 선호도 등을 컴퓨터 시물레이션과 빅데이타 분석 기술을 활용하여 최상의 레시피를 생성. 
포브스 등 유명 해외 언론에 소개되어 화제가 된 위스키. 

That glass of fine whisky you sip at the end of a long day? It may have been created with the help of AI.
Mackmyra, an award-winning Swedish distillery, has launched Intelligens, the world's first whisky created using an artificial intelligence program.

The Fine Art of Creating a Top-Quality AI Whisky
Mackmyra partnered with Finnish technology company Fourkind to develop an AI system that augments and automates some of the tasks of the distillery’s master blender, who is responsible for whisky flavor and product development.

Master blenders spend their time meticulously tasting and experimenting to create the best flavors possible, and that process can be time-consuming. Mackmyra wanted machine learning to work its magic in sifting through massive amounts of data to find new combinations.
Fourkind created their AI system using Machine Learning Studio and Microsoft Azure, then fed the system datasets that included:
●    Existing whisky recipes from Mackmyra
●    Wooden cask information (each cask gives the whisky a distinct flavor)
●    Ratings from consumers
●    Sales data
●    Evaluations from whisky experts

The AI system analyzed 70 million possible combinations and created a framework for creating innovative new recipes that taste great.

After the first batch of recipes, Macmyra's master blender, Angela D'Orazio, provided feedback so the AI system could learn more about whisky combinations that work for the palette and sell well in the market.

In each round, the distillery narrowed down their options and increased the quality of the recipes. At the end of the process, D'Orazio selected recipe #36 as the final pick for their innovative new product.

AI Can't Replace the Human Touch

Master blenders aren't going anywhere, though. Even the most sophisticated AI system cannot replicate or replace the intelligence and discernment of the human senses. The human side of whisky-making is here to stay.

Instead, Mackmyra embarked on their AI-created whisky experiment to see if they could augment the skills of their master blender to create an innovative new recipe.

The AI technology that allowed Fourkind and Mackmyra to sift through vast amounts of data to develop new formulas and recipes could have all kinds of other applications. Be on the lookout for new AI software in industries like perfumes, desserts, medicines, and clothing.

Companies are looking for ways to partner with AI technology companies to augment and expand what their internal experts can do, so they can get the most out of every new product they develop, and reduce some of the heaviest data analysis and learning from their employees' shoulders.

The end result of the next consumer AI experiment? It might just have notes of toffee, pear, apples, and creamy vanilla with a light tone of oak.

Want to try Intelligens? You can order a bottle here.   <출처 : Forbes, Contributor : Bernard Marr >

< review > 
A delightful surprise
This is a young whiskey but don’t let that put you off.
Clean, light and fruity with the merest hint of smoke on the nose.
Fruity with vanilla and nuts but with an overwhelming sense of new wood on the palate.
A lingering finish with slight smokiness and spices.
Well worth a try